2nd beta HCG results are in, and it is 224. We were looking for a doubling time of between 48 - 72 hours. Ideally 48 is usually better and mine is 59 hours. This nurse and my RE were fine with it, however I am VERY nervous about it. The nurse told me that they look for at least a 60% increase in 48 hours, and mine was beyond that. They were so fine with it that they didn't even schedule a repeat, but instead scheduled my ultra sound for Thursday February 12th. Even still, here I am worried. Oh how I wish I wasn't worried, oh how I wish I wasn't worried.
We have decided to begin to call our little one Lil' Pumpkin or LP for short. Mommy and Daddy love you so so so much, and we hope you continue to grow strong and healthy so we can meet you in early October. Please stick around LP and stop worrying your Mommy. Can't wait to see you on the 12th along with your strong heartbeat.
What is Beta HCG?
Q: What if my HCG levels aren't doubling every two to three days from a quantitative blood test?
A: It doesn't necessarily mean something is wrong, but it warrants further exploration including an early ultrasound (6 weeks LMP, 4 weeks after ovulation). Slow-rising hCG can be related to impending miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy. One important thing to remember is that on average hCG levels double approximately every two days from 4-6 weeks LMP, then doubles every 3 days when the level is 1600-6000, then the doubling slows to every 4 days or so. Levels peak a week or two before end of the first trimester (14 weeks LMP) before declining in the second trimester.
Q: If I am pregnant, how long will my doctor monitor hCG levels.
A: Many doctors will do two or three hCG levels to confirm doubling and stop there. Most others will stop after a fetal heartbeat is detected since hCG levels vary greatly and doubling begins slowing down. After a heartbeat is seen or heard, the chance of miscarriage drops to 16% before 6 weeks LMP, 5% from 7-9 weeks, 1-2% after 11 weeks (reference).
The range of HCG levels in the blood during pregnancy is huge; a single value will not indicate a normal pregnancy! in fact a number of values are necessary before making a number of determinations, including how far along the pregnancy is. Consider the following figures (based on days past ovulation (DPO); all HCG levels and ranges are averages):
• DPO, 14. HCG level, 48 mIU/ml. Range: 17-119 mIU/ml.
• DPO, 15. HCG level, 59 mIU/ml. Range: 17-147 mIU/ml.
• DPO, 16. HCG level, 95 mIU/ml. Range: 33-223 mIU/ml.
• DPO, 17. HCG level, 132 mIU/ml. Range: 17-429 mIU/ml.
• DPO, 18. HCG level, 292 mIU/ml. Range: 70-758 mIU/ml.
• DPO, 19. HCG level, 303 mIU/ml. Range: 111-514 mIU/ml.
• DPO, 20. HCG level, 522 mIU/ml. Range: 135-1690 mIU/ml.
• DPO, 21. HCG level, 1061 mIU/ml. Range: 324-4130 mIU/ml.
• DPO, 22. HCG level, 1287 mIU/ml. Range: 185-3279 mIU/ml.
• DPO, 23. HCG level, 2034 mIU/ml. Range: 506-4660 mIU/ml.
• DPO, 24. HCG level, 2637 mIU/ml. Range: 540-10,000 mIU/ml.
Look most closely at progression: during the huge majority of early pregnancies (80-90%), the level will double every couple of days, or 72 hours. As your pregnancy progresses, levels rise and that doubling time increases.
The expected doubling time for HCG levels:
• Under 1200 mIU/ml: 48-72 hours.
• Between 1200 to 6000 mIU/ml: 72-96 hours.
• Over 6000 mIU/ml: more than 96 hours
10 months ago
I'm wondering if there are two in there??? Shhhh. Those are great numbers honey!!!! Don't stress. LP is hanging on!!! Woot woot!!
Try to relax and enjoy your pregnancy. I am sure everything is fine. Once again, Congrats!!!
So happy for you
Please, please don't worry. You're doing great. At your stage, my doubling time was exactly 59 hours as well, so I just had to write a comment. I, too, was overcome with worry, spending a good portion of the work day calculating and recalculating the numbers. Not so long after that we saw our baby's first heartbeat, and I am now 35 weeks pregnant with a very healthy baby boy. It is all going to be great - you are right on target! As my husband said to me at the time, there is nothing wrong with being somewhere in the "middle" of the good range. It's not a beta contest!!
You're doing great. Hang in/hang on for the u/s!
Definitely not something to be alarmed at...my RE nurse said I should NOT be worried if it doesn't double--it's very common for it not to be, and so many people depend on it to double. She said the reason to be alarmed would be if it hasn't changed or had barely changed. Chin up, girl! You're pregnant and on the right track!!!
I know its easier said than done but try and not worry and stress yourself out! This is absolutely wonderful news!!! We are all so happy for you! Let us know when you see your cute little one on the 12th - were all very excited to hear about it!
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