It always seems to happen that just when things are going smooth you hit a bump. I am at a time in my life where I couldn't ask for much more. I am home with my bugs enjoying the Summer, my amazing amazing amazing friends and my super wonderful family. I am surrounded by supportive, optimistic, fun, and loving people not to mention an amazing Husband and two wonderful little boys with one more on the way. I fall asleep with a smile on my face, and wake up to the sounds of my monkeys chatting in their room. Really.. at a great place. So wouldn't ya know it that a bump would come along?
7 years ago while in the midst of wedding planning the unthinkable happened and my Grammy was diagnosed with lung cancer. I have mentioned my Gram a bit on here and that's because she is a huge part of my life and a huge part of me. My Mom was young when she had me and my Mom became a single Mom when I was VERY young. My Gram played a huge part in my life. Many a Summers and weekends would be spent at her house where I learned to cook, and clean, learned religion, and saw what a wonderful marriage looks like. Even still my Gram plays a huge part in our lives and comes over every Thursday to take care of the boys, or more recently just hang out with us and chit chat and help me out with the boys and the house.
So 7 years ago Gram fought through. She took that cancer and squashed it! They were able to remove the spot on her lungs and no additional treatment was needed, although YES it was a very invasive surgery and took her quite some time to heal, but she did it and even climbed to the top of Half Dome in Yosemite a year later. Well after a routine mammogram a few weeks ago they found a spot on her breast. Quickly after that they sent her in for a biopsy, well because of the location and the blood vessels around the spot they were not able to perform the biopsy. She waited for an appointment and was able to get in with the specialist. He thought that going in for surgery to remove the spot made the most sense. So on the 28th Gram will go in for surgery to remove the spot. At this point we are not sure if it is cancerous or not. They will do their best to remove it and some of the cells around it. We pray for a safe surgery and also pray that the spot is not cancerous. Please please keep my Gram in your thoughts now and in a couple weeks as she goes through the surgery and awaits the results.
In other not so important news my chest pain is doing WAY better today and yesterday I got to see baby H. I had what is most likely my final ultrasound and cervix check. Cervix was a 3.8, holy moly no shortening going on here and more than likely that has little to do with the cerclage. My cervix just didn't handle twins all that well. Hudson was breathing like crazy and even managed to show the doc that his testicles have dropped... YES Hudson we KNOW you are a boy, you don't have to keep rubbing it in Mommies face. hehehe. Surgery date is set, we will first remove the cerclage and then move on with the c-section. I opted NOT to tie my tubes after a lot of going back and forth. Do I think I will be having more kids? NO! But it was too hard to make such a final decision at just 29. However, I WILL be getting on something more than just birth control pills in the future. Next hard decision will be what to do with the five frozen embryos.
In buggie news this week has FLOWN by, I am not quite sure how I did all this and worked, I am LOVING staying home and spending time with them. I have done some schedule switch up and it seems to be working great. Bugs wake up around 8, but chit chat a bit then we have some breakfast and play together. From 10 - 11 they watch Sesame Street in their room while I do some clean up and laundry. 11 - 12:30 we color or do puzzles, play at the park, play outside, or go for a walk. 12:30 is lunch time and 1:00 is nap time. It's crazy how naps from moved from 11:30 to 1:00 in just 7 months. But I LOVE it because if we decide to go out it gives us much more awake time to do something instead of hurrying home for naps. They awake usually around 3 and we take a snack outside and play. About 4:20 on Tuesday, Thursdays, and Fridays the Daddy comes home, which we LOVE! Mondays and Wednesdays he doesn't, which can make for a long day. We all have dinner around 6 and then baths have been moved to 7:30 and bedtime to 8:00. It's working great, they very rarely fight sleep now that nap time has moved 30 minutes later and bedtime has moved 30 minutes later.
In Birthday Buggie news... a party has been planned! I am big on Birthdays, they are special to me. I rarely let special days of those I love go un-noticed. We thought long and hard about what to do for the buggies considering Hudson will only be two weeks old. We thought about just doing nothing, or trying to combine their Birthday with a welcome baby party for Hudson or even combining it with a friend of mines son whos Birthday is the day before the boys for some party help. Well the boys WILL be getting their special day or two. Their actual birthday falls on opening night of football, which also happens to be RAIDER football. My Husband is a DIE-HARD Raider fan so we will have a pizza and football party at home for close friends and family. The following weekend we will have a Choo-choo train party at the park. Nothing crazy, the guest list has been cut a lot from last years since it isn't their first birthday. I have already created and made the invitations via Heritage Makers scrapping and last night I ordered all the supplies. Sort of. I ordered about half the napkins and plates we need because frugal me plans to go to Target and buy the other half in a solid color to alternate and make them stretch farther, same with the table cloths I will buy a solid color. No goodie bags either, instead I ordered a train pinata. So after a target run for my solids and some candy all that's left is food. Pretty sure it will be burgers, hot dogs, watermelon, and BBQ chips. Remember keeping it simple here as I will have a three week old. My beautiful and amazing friend Andrea has agreed to make two train cakes, one for each boy. I heart her, her and my amazing friends are the reason I opted for this party because I know they will be around to help me out. Here is a party spoiler...
11 months ago
Prayers for your Grandmother.
Stay positive :)
Oh sweetie, so sorry about your grandmother. You and your family are definitely in my thoughts and prayers. (HUGS)
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