I am at that place once again. As you might have noticed personal venting and info has been flowing less freely on the blog, I have three blog posts I never even published. At this point I will either be just keeping it simple and sharing some pics or you will get an invite to a private blog.
I will also be limiting my FB posts and info, no no I can't completely stop because my kids are just too darn cute not to share some things! I choose not to say exactly why right now, but might end up going into it on the private blog. For now I have realized that sharing fun stories, personal information, pictures, and information or even venting will be done more with those around us in real life.
I have a very heavy heart right now and am quite sure I have some PPD going on. Thankfully I do have a doctors appointment this week and determine what is really going on. Until then I will be sharing some basic info and pics here when I can because I hope that someday my children can look back and see how much I loved them and be able to view all the fun stories.
For now I will just vent to those who will let me, those who help me when I truly need it, and those who know when something is wrong before I even do, which most times is my amazing Husband and a few wonderful friends. I am tired of hurting, so the best way to make it go away is not to share, not to put myself out there and in turn hopefully the hurt will go away.
11 months ago
Awww I'm sorry to hear you having a case of the baby blues. I had them too, along with the sleep deprivation it is super tough. And adding your two cute active toddlers into it all I'm sure wears you down! Just keep doing the best you can and try to breath in every precious newborn minute, they change way too quick!
All my best to you!
Life is crazy busy and you are allowed to feel the highs and lows! I am glad you have a close knit circle whom you can rely on! Warm hugs!
If you go private, I would love to follow!
All the best to you with whatever you decide to do. I hope you start to feel better soon.
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