A Private Blog?
Oh how the sound of it is better and better each day. Why did I start this blog? To fill in friends and family about the progress of our IF journey. What really happened was I met a group of friends that will last forever, friends I had things in common with, friends who's journey's have inspired me, and friends who have lifted my spirits and got me through the hardest time in my life. It also allowed me to document my journey and share my feelings, and to someday show my children.
Did I start this blog for the same reason I want to blog now? Nope! Do I wish my blog wasn't shared with "real life people?" Yup! Do I love my real life people? Yup, but how I wish I could just say what I want without random anonymous comments or wondering if, just maybe a real life person might read this and commenting. Well the obvious answer is to quit blogging, but if I can tell any person going through infertility any piece of advice it would be to join a great IF or IVF group online and to blog your experience. I will never ever regret blogging. However, I think I need to blog in another area and separate from people in real life, because while YES I did have many of my dreams come true, I now have new things to express which may offend people still on the journey, or if I blog about struggles, it may make me sound ungrateful, which by god I am NOT, I thank the Lord almost hourly for my miracles.
No matter what I say I feel ungrateful. And YES I do know I might come off that way because while I was struggling with IF I saw people sound ungrateful, mostly in real life, but also on blogs, and I wanted nothing to do with them. How could someone complain about poop, lack or sleep, pregnancy, money, or a normal Mommy life? It hurt me to hear it, and here I am doing it. Believe me I never thought I would, but I can't sit here and talk about IF much anymore other than the fact that I beat it, and I was blessed, and I want anyone going through it to never give up.
So it only makes sense that I find a new crowd and a new group of friends, and while I hope to remain in contact with some of you whom have become a part of my life, I also hope to meet people with whom I can talk about how tight money is, how my kids scream for now reason, packing diaper bags, or my job. My job in which I am made to feel bad about because I am no longer there full time. My job which I love to pieces, but yet nope I am not willing to work 40+ hours a week, so I get made to feel guilty. Making me feel bad doesn't make me want to work more, it only makes me feel sad that I am not supported. I worked very hard to be a Mom and I stayed with my employer for the last 11 years because I believed I would be supported as a Mom and would be supported working less hours when the time came, but well.. things don't always happen as you plan. For me, I would give up anything to be able to be with my kids two weekdays, and while I didn't think it was going to be huge deal, well, I am reminded of it daily and my lack or time in the office. I could blog and blog about this, and it is yet another reason I am ready to go private or move. I am thinking of just writing in a diary and keeping this blog up just for some updates and pics, because I do believe that maybe some people truly do care about our life and can find hope in our story.
In new news, my sister in laws baby is coming soon, Noah is close to walking, Aaden is too smart for his own good, Noah gives you a kiss when you ask and we are in need of sitters. More... more ... private stuff. Our sitter found a full time job and I am totally happy for her and I think it is for the best. We found a new sitter, whom I have known since I was 5 and I have high hopes it will work out great. Speaking of sitters... ugh to night and weekend sitters. I guess I never imagined we wouldn't have a chance to go out as a couple. I was that girl who ALWAYS watched kids for free, just because. I loved to be around them, I loved to help out, and I wanted the experience. I can think of 5 kids I used to watch for dates, nights, and overnights for free. As my BFF always tells me "you need to find a Tiffany!" Well I guess they don't exist. Or if they do how do you ask? I have sort of asked a couple people, but no go. I never thought it would be hard to find a "date" sitter paid or unpaid, but it is. Gabe and I have yet to see a movie together since bedrest days. Well my Mom offered, which is crazy of her because she also picks up about two full work days out of the month for us, but regardless we are taking her up on it and are going on a date day to the movies this weekend. Have we been out? Yup, a couple times when my Mother In Law was here (thanks Mima) and a couple times when my Mom helped, but most of those times we were with other people. So, now we are going to a movie and lunch alone next week and we are super excited. Today is out 13 year dating anniversary so we have kind of planned to celebrate that at the same time.
So, that is that. I have been lagging on blogging so I will probably just update randomly and keep the "spills" on a private site or in a diary. I do know that no matter what I cherish those friendships I made, and I hope that maybe this blog will give someone else hope that dreams of a family DO come true. Where do you go when you just want to vent? No where? This was supposed to be a sort of diary. So I do regret where it has gone. I need a place where I can vent, a place where I can spill my gutts, a place where I can talk about money problems without being judged, a place where I can discuss struggles with no one IRL knowing. A place where I can treat my blog sort of like a BFF where no one negative can comment or make me feel like crap. Do I feel like crap enough? Yup. Do you Mr. Anonymous need to make me feel more crappy? While struggling with IF did I think other peoples petty problems were ridiculous? Yup! So if you think my petty problems are, I don't blame ya because I thought that when I became a Mom things would be roses, I would have no reason to blog other than sweet stories and pics. Well.. life and problems do still go on, but I AM BLESSED and will never forget that or take it for granted.
11 months ago
I am sorry, you have come to a stage where you are wanting to go private!
You have always inspired me... Whether it was IF, or how well you are handling your crazy but blessed life! I would love to keep up with you - if that is an option. Thanks for all your help. (HUGS)
I have been following your blog since mid-pregnancy although I very rarely comment. I totally understand why you would want to go private. My blog has been private for a long time. It was just too weird to think of my employees or some random person from high school reading about my family without my knowledge. I never did anything to hide our privacy. Not that we do anything exciting! I feel that complaining on a blog is totally acceptable about whatever stage of life that you are in. I can not stand it when people get offended... my infertility struggle, my pregnancy, my babies, my whatever...are worse/harder than yours. If people are that sensitive, then they should stay off the computer. I think you should do whatever makes you feel best and if going private is the choice, I think we all understand. Best wishes to you!
I support your change in blogs no matter what. Everyone needs a place they can go hun and not knowing the people that you let read it IRL just may be best! Go you!!!! Always here for ya...always...
If you ever go private I would love to tag along. I never post anything, well until now. I love following the babies.
I completely understand where you are coming from, I actually have two blogs one private and one not. You are right you have been blessed by two beautiful miracles but it doesn't mean that you have stopped living and living is not all roses, life has its ups and downs. And being a mother is so hard no matter how you came about having your children there are days that you are completely overwhelmed and need an outlet. So I understand, but I also understand that there are people out there that may feel you are being ungrateful I think it's the double standard that us IF mom's deal with. I would love to keep up with you if at all possible but if not I completely understand. Best wishes and God Bless
Tiff-Your journey has been an inspiration to all of us. Although our journey was not one of IVF I still love reading about your boys. The "Mom" stuff makes you human and we all have a right to express ourselves. I too find myself talking about "no sleep, date nights, tired, tired, tired" and I remember those comments used to hurt too..because I longed for that. Now that I am here..in a different place I pray that my journey may be inspirational to someone out there and serve as a reminder that someday..someway..their babies are out there too.
Like the others who commented,I too like to keep up with your blog. I like to hear the ups and downs with twins and all the good an bad that comes with it. If you are letting anyone follow you to your private blog, I'd love to be one of them!
You have to do what feels right to you. I have loved reading your blogs from starting a family to money struggles. I myself am going through money struggles and want to start a family with my husband... and hearing you vent helps me vent. I hope that I can still follow you as I never really comment at all. IF anything I support ya!
oh and feel free to follow my blog. http://thewestcoastmorgans.blogspot.com/
i would love to still follow you, but i definitely understand the need for some privacy. i really just like following your story since our twins are so close in age :)
I have been following your blog since before your babies were born. While I have not had issues with infertility, I enjoy your blog.
I am that mother you describe in your post! I would love to follow your journey with mom issues. My email is
my blog
This is something I have really been struggling with lately. In fact, I wrote a blog post this weekend about how awful my week was, posted it, and then quickly pulled it down because I knew the judgement would just roll in. I saved it, and if you would like to read it, email me your email address and I will forward. But beware...there were lots of curse words!!!!!!!!! Hang in there. I will miss your sweet babies' faces if you go private!
I understand wanting to go private sweetie. It's so hard when you're just not sure what will offend someone.
I'm soooo blessed to know you girl! You've been a huge inspiration. :) (((HUGS)))
Don't you ever let anyone DARE tell you that your selfish, or whatever they said to you. Yes we struggled, yes it hurt when we read people bitching about their kids. But we didn't know what they were going through. We felt only our own pain.
Life goes on past IF. We can't dwell on on struggles. We can't not move on with our life, and deal with our problems, and our kids. Raising multiples is tough stuff, and just because we went through IF, doesn't mean we're not human.
Don't let them hurt you, and if they are, they aren't your friend anyway.
Love ya!
And what about adding some more pics? No offence, page is really nice. But as I know people acquire information much more efficient when there are some helpful pictures.
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