Baby H's ultrasound went well, although I must admit I was extremely disappointed. Not in the findings, but in the choice I made to have the ultrasound done in my OBs office. I knew better when I agreed to it. I had the option of having it done in the hospital or down at UCSF and for convenience I chose to just stay in town. BIG MISTAKE! Now don't get me wrong OBVIOUSLY most important was that baby looked healthy and all was well, however the supposed to be thorough ultrasound (Boys was 1.5 hours) lasted all of about 5 minutes. No finger or toe counting and NO cute pictures to go home with. Yes it is petty, but it was yet another thing that seemed to be missing from this pregnancy. Ah such it is. DH knowing I was upset mentioned that maybe in 10 weeks or so we could get a 3D ultrasound, which we probably normally wouldn't splurge for. But it seems a little splurge needs to be made on baby H. I still have a Christmas check I haven't cashed so maybe we could use that.
Now onto the deets: Blood pressure was good, weight good at +13 Lbs. My cervix was measuring at FOUR! Can you believe that? Average is 3.5 and last visit was 3.2. I still can't believe that. As of now if looks like I may have no bedrest and still I have NO restrictions on running around like a crazy woman chasing after two munchkins. Hudson's weight was around 1 lb. 1 oz. and he was measuring at 22 weeks. Oh and yes he was still a boy, not that I really thought it would change. All in all the appointment news was fantastic, the experience not so much. I go back in 6 weeks for a HB check, cervix check, and lab slips for the glucose test. I cannot believe we are only about 2 weeks from viability.
Being 100% sure of babies sex we will move forward on his room. His room is about 90% cleared out and playroom has been merged with boys room. Their room is now a Thomas the Train Theme.
We are pretty sure Hudson's room is going to be a cowboy theme. My Dad has offered to purchase him a furniture set (what a lifesaver) and we would only need to buy him a mattress (unless Mr. Rian goes to a big bed before August, hehe.)
If we do indeed go with the cowboy theme this is the bedding I am eyeing. My Mom has offered to purchase this for little man (again another lifesaver.)
Since I was give away happy we will need to borrow or buy some things, but thankfully we have a lot of clothes and friends who have given us more hand me downs. Not quite sure what I was thinking when I got rid of our bathtub, exersaucer, infant carseats, bassinet, and our highchairs. Thankfully I should be able to get a carseat back and borrow a bassinet and bathtub. Other than that we are pretty set minus some curtains and a large area rug we need for the room along with some basics i.e. socks, onsises, and jammies. Wow what a plus it is to have tons of blankies, a swing, some toys, a breastpump, bottles, a bouncer, and a ton of clothes still saved from the boys.
Things are becoming more real and VERY exciting!
10 months ago
YAH! for a GREAT doctors appointment:) So sorry that you didn't get more time to see your little man and pictures to share:(
That is AWESOME that you dad is buying you furniture and your mom is buying the bedding, what a huge help!
I know what you mean about needing stuff, I am right there with you! We bought a crib (our son is still using his), but we still need to buy a stroller, bouncy seat, swing (all of ours broke, they were 6+ years old); the carseat expired and the bassinet was recalled.
Since our two kiddos are adopted I don't have any breastfeeding stuff (I am going to attempt it this time). So anyhoo we too are overwhelmed with all the stuff we need. My friend and mom threw me me a baby shower however only a couple of people purchased off the registry (and many many didn't include gift receipts)?! Anyhoo, I am SO HAPPY for you all and the good news at the doctors!
I'm so happy to hear you and the baby are doing well but I can totally understand the disappointment in the u/s! Splurging for a 3-D sounds awesome...I loved ours!!!!!
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