The vocab of these little men is INSANE. Just in the last couple weeks they have started saying SO much. They can tell you what the dog, cat, monster, tiger, and cow say along with words which include: Mama, Mommy, Dada, Daddy, Grammy (very recent and oh so thrilled was my Mom), Oz, Ozzy, Rocky, Whoa, Santa (which still sounds like Da-Da), Uh-oh, cheese, cracker, Car, Toot Toot, Book, All Done, Dog, Cat, Ball, Giraffe, up, Calliou, Thomas, Thank you, Bye bye, Hi, Hi ya, Ball, cup, juice, cracker, Sissy, and Noah.
We went on a trip to the zoo a couple weekends ago to which the best moment was when Noah said "giraffe" while pointing at the giraffe. It was priceless.
The babe will be 9 weeks tomorrow, we are moving right along. The morning sickness is more evening, and not bad at all. Just a little queasy around and after dinner time. Cravings still include more sweets, but of course olives and peppers are still in the mix. With sodas and candy being the front runners. We have a hiccup with our insurance. Seems the Perinatal doc we saw last time is in the middle of her contract with our insurance company and she is NOT accepting our insurance right now. So, we will most likely switch docs to save the $2k increase this would cost us to remain with her. See my insurance has a $4k deductible for in-network, if we go out of network that bumps up to $6k, now mind you this deductible means NOTHING (minus one annual and the boys check ups and shots) is covered until we meet this. So, my blood work and ultrasounds right now are costing us a pretty penny, and adding another $2k to the mix just isn't feasible. However, once we meet that deductible it's smooth sailing and NO out of pocket AT ALL for the rest of the year. So, we are crossing our fingers that the switch is flawless and the new doc is great. Part of me is SO hesitant because the doc we are leaving is the doc who I feel saved our babies lives and was able to get us to such a safe delivery point, but I have faith that the new doc will be great too and ya'll know I will do my research and be the doc myself, because well.. that's just me. A huge plus to switching docs is the location. Where the new office is I have some family in that town and nearby, which will make it easy for me to call in some favors for sitters during appointments, as these offices are STRICT on no kids allowed.
The hormones are insane this time around, I have cried EVERY day for the last two weeks (in part because of some stuff going on) and I quickly go from smiley to angry. Hoping this changes soon as I am not sure how much longer I and those around me can take this. My poor Husband is being great though, besides when he laughs at me for crying during TV shows. He had a great laugh as I was balling watching "How I Met Your Mother" last night. Brat, hehe! I will leave ya with some shots from our trip to the zoo. Baby 3 has another photo shoot in just 11 days. Have a great weekend all.
How far along? 9 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: +3 lbs
Maternity clothes? Yes, and no. I have, but don't need to.
Sleep: So far so good, minus at least one trip to the bathroom per night
Best moment this week: Trying on so super cute maternity clothes from a friend
Movement: Nope
Food cravings: Strawberry soda
Gender: Hoping for a princess
Labor Signs: No
Belly Button in or out? In
What I miss: Nothing
What I am looking forward to: Our next appointment and some movement
Weekly Wisdom: Getting things off your chest feels good at first, but then reality sets in.
10 months ago
1 comment:
Cute pics! And I see the Babystrology countdown widget so cool! I am excited for you!
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