Here, I am and with good reason for my absence. The last two weeks of August I worked 45 hour work weeks, and I survived this while packing for the big move. I was quite proud of myself for that.
On Friday August 27th Noah, started to come down with a runny nose, but I thought maybe it was just teeth. After work I packed up bags for the next few days, just in case I wasn't able to find all our essentials. Then off we went over to our cousin's house for a goodbye dinner for Uncle Jerry, whom was going back to Arizona. Uncle Jerry is the boys' B-day twin, they share the same special day. After dinner we spent the last night in our home. I cried myself to sleep and wondered if we were doing the right thing. I finally fell asleep after hours of struggle. When I woke up, my throat was on fire, and I could tell Noah wasn't feeling so hot either, but there was no turning back now. The move began, and with help from some great friends and family, we completed the move in one day. It's amazing how you can feel like crap, but just push it aside.
The day of the move, was our 6 year anniversary, along with one of my very good friends 30th Birthday. We had planned to be out of town with her for our special days, but obviously that fell through. So instead, I threw together a BBQ at her house with a big crowd of friends. The boys went to my Mom's house for the night and off we went to buy drinks and meat to barbecue. We had a great time and a nice little break from the hecticness.
Sunday, we spent the day unpacking. I was still feeling like poop, as was Noah and now Aaden. I told Gabe I felt like I got ran over by seven trucks. Thankfully Monday Gabe and I were both off work, we took the boys to the babysitter for a half day to get more things done. During this time Memphis found a home, then un-found a home, then got dropped off at the local shelter, we pray that a good family has rescued him. Come Monday late afternoon a sweet little voice came through the door. Miss Serena Hope will now be walking to our house after school on the days I am home, her school is just a block from our house. She was sad that the boys were napping, but soon enough they were up and she played with them in the playroom, which is always a help.
Come Tuesday things were really coming together, and now Gabe was feeling crappy. I offered to watch little Jack for the day, which went well and is something I plan to do more often.
By Thursday we were back in business, although a little sad from news of my Sister-In-Laws Dad passing, and my Grandfather being diagnosed with lung cancer. I spent the day at work, which was a welcome little break.
Friday the 3rd I spent the day packing for the holiday weekend, but not without a walk to Whole Foods and the pet store. I LOVE our new location, oh and I love love love love love love love love our new house. I am so completely utterly over the moon happy for this. The added space is AMAZING, the central heat and air A-mazing, garage, dog run, cute little back yard, the ton of storage space, and good friendly neighbors.
Friday night we took off with The Hernandez Clan to go camping for the long weekend. We ended up at the river one day, and the beach the next, which was a ton of fun. I could blog for days about the adventures of our trip, so hopefully soon I will get to, but for now I will probably just leave you with a few pictures. Hopefully Drea will fill you in on some of the deets. I must say that camping with kids is an adventure. Just plan on them being dirty pretty much the whole time, not napping well, and worrying about the fire pit way too much, while it was NOT relaxing it was for sure fun. We drank too much, and laughed too much, and ate too much. I can't wait to do it again.
After recovering from the colds, and cleaning up from camping, here we are preparing for the big BIRTHDAY! This weekend, we will host a small barbecue on the boys actual Birthday and then next weekend is the big party in the park. Gabe's band has a big gig this weekend, so we thought it best the celebrate the boys birthday the next weekend.
So as the title states, if I can make it through the last few weeks of my life, I can make it through anything! And guess what... I wouldn't have it ANY OTHER WAY!
10 months ago
I'm glad to hear you guys are feeling better, and you love your new house! Those pictures are adorable, I can't believe they are going to be 1!! That's nuts, really crazy. I hope you all are doing well, hang in there Momma!
I love LOVE love the photos of the boys sitting above their names in the sand!! Print that out NOW or I will ;0)
whew! that's a lot!!!
cute pics!
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