
Crazy Aaden and Cuties

Our crazy boy
Aaden prefers to be under things

Great Grammy bought the boys a drum full of instruments when they walked to Target last week when she was babysitting. They LOVE it!
Noah and Papa Wayne

They LOVE puppets

Aaden trying to get "his" spoon from the dishwasher, boy am I in trouble.

Noah hanging out in the playroom watching television

Both boys are loving their playroom


H0TG33K said...

I cannot get over how precious they are. I am counting the days till we live closer!

Meant to be a mom said...

They are into everything. WHEW! It wears me out just watching over one. I bet your exhausted. They look like they have a blast though.
I love that drum toy they got. I'll have to go check that out. :)