Update: I guess I should have mentioned that I called the Pediatrician's office first thing this morning when they opened (at 9 a.m.), and I am still waiting for a call back.
Yes, that's right... today is my first official day. A day that I have only dreamed of. Gabe went back to work this morning and so far so good. I slept until 9 a.m. He got up at 6 a.m. and both boys were fussing so he gave them bottles and put them in their cribs before he left for work, wow I sleep so much better when they are in their cribs. Starting to make me wonder if we should put them in their cribs at night time too.
I need help, I think we may have a tummy issue with Noah. We finally got a poop out of him last night, it had been since Thursday. Although it was diarrhea when he finally went. The worst part is the pain it seems he is in. Grunting, groaning, and the tightest tummy muscles I have ever felt. He arches his back sometimes and just squeals. You can tell he is trying to push and most of the time he just passes gas. I thought it would get better after he pooped, but nope last night it was pretty bad. At 3 a.m. he did this for about a half an hour until he finally felt some relief. Yesterday and last night we tried the gas drops, but they didn't seem to help. We also tried rubbing his belly, warm blankets on his belly, and moving his legs around. Right now he is eating 1/2 breast milk and 1/2 milk based formula. (I can no longer keep up with the breastmilk demand fully with these big eaters.) It seems to mainly bother him at night and after feeding, but does happen at other times too. What are your thoughts? I am thinking of heading over to the store today to buy one of the more gentle formulas.
Last week I went to the doctors to get a whooping cough vaccine and asked him about this wrist pain I have been having. Turns out I have tendonitis in both wrists. This started while I was pregnant and has gotten worse since the boys were born. It is called DeQuervain's tenosynovitis and is often seen in new mothers. Who woulda thought? Now I have to go to an Orthopedic hand doctor and most likely get cortisone shots.
It's so funny during my day I come up with all these topics to blog about, but then when I actually get a minute to blog I blank on the topics. I am going to start writing them down, but for now I am off to take both boys out in public by myself for the first time. Going to see if a new formula helps Noah bug, but please please share your thoughts and stories.
10 months ago
Yea why dont you call the Dr. and see what he thinks!
I just wanted to tell you that I also had that hand pain. I had cortisone shots and it went away. They say that it is from holding babies etc. I only had one child not twins, but it was very painful. Mine was only in one hand; they did put a local in first and it did hurt. But if you can get through that it isn't too bad after. I was glad someone drove me because my hand was numb for a while after. Although it was not the most pleasant feeling, it did go away! Good luck!
i just wanted to add a suggestion on the pooping issues. i work for a chiropractor, and we see a lot of little ones come in with BM issues. with all the pushing and pulling and holding there pelvis could be a little out, causing the problems when they want to poop. so if your insurance covers chiro care see if that would be something you could try. any questions please ask :)
when faith was having pooping issues we switched to a soy base formula with a teeny tiny bit more water than normal cleared her right up...but doctor knows best :)
stay at home mommy best job ever :)
Good luck with the pooping issue. The dr. will probably have some suggestions. I know that the chiropractor has helped a lot of my friends babies. :).
I am so glad you are going to get relief for your tendinitis. I had that in both my wrists, thumbs and a knee, but no one really told me what it was. And then it FINALLY went away when I stopped nursing (Char was 14 months). I hope you can get some relief!!
Lilly had major stomach issues at the beginning. I was on this special premie formula, and I did soy as well which might have helped slightly, but Lilly's issue was really acid reflux. Lots of arching back, seemed to be pain after eating, lots of tummy discomfort over all, but also was spitting up quite a bit. For a while the bad word of "colic" was mentioned, but she didn't fit the profile for that after a while. But once acid reflux was diagnosed, it is a easy fix with some medicine and life was SO MUCH BETTER....oh my gosh, so much better
Definitely ask your doctor about the pooping issue but I have a friend who has 1-year old twins and the boy had issues about 4 months ago. Her pediatrician suggested watering down prune juice. Since your boys are so young, I doubt that will be an option but I thought I'd throw it out there. Otherwise, I agree with Blessed, it might be a milk-based thing.
Oh, and thanks for the input on breastfeeding vs pumping. I haven't gotten a lot of guidance from the nurses in the NICU. I guess I keep expecting them to give me a set of directions! :)
YAY for being a stay at home mama! I'm hoping you get it all figured out with little Noah. An upset tummy is no fun for him or you!
both jake and kenzie had the tummy issues, and always at night. connor is following in their path! he is fine during the day, but night time is hard. after a while they just grew out of it. i think for us it was switching from breast milk to formula, and their little bodies had a hard time getting used to it. we did try a soy formula with kenz and it did work a bit better. good luck! your boys are sure adorable!
I had the tendonitis too - have you tried the wrist bands? They helped a bit. Sounds like you're doing a great job!!!!
My boys also had tummy issues and we switched from milk based formula to soy formula. Worked for them, but check with your doctor.
Oops forgot to sign my name.
Aunt Theresa
I hope you get some good advice about Noah. My son is doing the exact same thing. He grunts and pushes and squeels and cries during feedings and afterwards as well. Its terrible. He seems in so much pain and like yours when he does go poop its a ton and yet it doesn't seem to make him feel better. I called our pediatrition and right now he's got ours on acid reflux meds, which don't seem to be working. So tomorrow I get to call them again since its been a week since we saw him and see if we need to change formula or what. I sure hope you figure out whats bothering your little guy and maybe that will give us an idea whats wrong with ours. Right now its just a process of elimination for us. I just want him to feel better.
I have no suggestions, but sounds like you got some good ones. :) Congrats on being a stay at home mom. :) You deserve it!!!
Our son had dairy issues but it didn't show up until close to 12 weeks (typical time for it to present) and I had to go off all dairy. That was hard but we got through it!
Go for the cortisone shot. I had that tendinitis after my first few years teaching. I remember him describing it as something that new mother's get from picking up babies and I wasn't a new mother. Anyway, I was hesitant to get the cortisone because we go pretty natural with our medical treatment, so I tried ice and anti-inflamatories. I finally went in and had the cortisone and have not had an issue since. He did the numbing shot and then did the cortisone shot and when the numbing shot wore off I have had no tendinitis or pain since and it has been at least 7 years. I would recommend it!
You are in for a roller coaster of a ride. Hang in there and enjoy every moment, because if you blink.... The stomach issues will pass but until then try either soy, or changing up your diet if breast feeding. Both my kids went through the digestion issues and came out fine, even with all the crying. Good Luck and Enjoy even the cries.
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