Time is moving SO fast and my kids never cease to amaze me or make me smile. Aaden's vocabulary is completely INSANE. He must know at least 1000 words and can carry on a complete conversation.
Aaden's biggest thing lately is "why?" Everything is WHY? I try my best to answer it, but yet usually end up busting up because he asks it so many times and I run out of answers.
What is that?
An elevator
To get upstairs
Because the office is upstairs
Because they built it that way
To save money and have more than one floor
Just because
My favorite line lately has been "I love you Mommy Parker Snook!" Parker is HIS middle name so it's everyones middle name.
My Husband gets these safety bonus scratch off cards with points on them we have seriously been saving them since before the twins were conceived well we finally cashed them in for a Power Wheels motorcycle. Aaden is a PRO loves the thing to pieces. Well now when ANYONE comes to the door he grabs them by the hand and says come see my motorcycle.
I could go on and on about him he lights my world and keeps me busy he is NOT one to sit down and watch a movie and very rarely sleeps in passed 7 on the dot. He is an amazing eater and tries all kinds of stuff. He is an amazing big Brother and calls his baby "Hudsey" and tickles him and makes him laugh and tries to feed him and just genuinely loves the heck out of his baby. As for Noah they have a love hate relationship. He likes to irritate Noah and discipline Noah, but then you will wind them laughing and playing together at other times.
Noah oh Noah my heart melter. He is for sure a Mama's boy. Lately his big thing is "ok Mommy!" Everything is OK! He must say OK about 200 times a day. He is one to sit and play nicely and watch movies and is so much calmer than Aaden, but don't underestimate him because he has a screamer on him. My favorite thing about Noah is his smile and he always says "hi!" And always uses their name. My Father In Law is staying with us for awhile and every time he walks into a room he waves and smiles and says "hi Tito." And not just in a normal voice he yells it like you are in the next room. He is very much a loud talker and has no idea how to whisper yet. He wakes up from a nap and I come into get him and he smiles and waves and yells "hi mommy!" Probably 12 times a day I get a "hi Mommy!" He is still a smarty pants and his love for Lion King has now turned into a love for Lion King 1 1/2. He calls it Lion King one half. He loves cheese puffs and calls them cheenos and loves his ipad and calls it hipad. He loves to tattle on Aaden and likes to be left alone and not bothered while he is doing something he enjoys. He is getting MUCH better with Hudson and his mean streak has stopped. He knows what he likes to eat and isn't keen on trying new stuff and he HATES his food to touch each other. He calls his Brothers Day-yea and Husson and the dog Phoenix is now called Guinea by ALL of us. He wants very little to do with potty training and every time his diaper is wet he says it's poop, but while changing he will say "no just peeps Mommy."
Hudson oh Hudson my boy is growing fast, he is such a dream to have in our lives, but is quickly learning that he likes attention too. He loves to watch his Brothers from his highchair and loves when they try to play with him. He is such a beauty and makes me yearn for time to stand still. He's almost always a good sleeper, but recently he has been staying in the living room while my Father In Law is here and that has caused a few restless nights, but all in all he is such a good boy and I love his little teeth and laugh. He has recently learned to dance, but I have yet to catch it on video. His new noises and blowing bubbles he is such a joy!
We are officially in escrow and will be moving at the end of May to the FROG HOUSE! While on a visit to the house my good friend Heather found a frog in the yard so to them it's the frog house and VERY exciting to have stairs to play on.
11 months ago